Toilet Training


Potty training is a significant milestone for both kids and parents. It focuses on teaching your child to control their bowel and bladder functions. Every child is different, though, so don’t worry if your little one isn’t quite there yet.The key is to wait until your child is ready - forcing it during the “stubborn age” (15 months to 3 years) can lead to frustration.

Rather than focusing on age, look for signs that your child might be ready, like understanding simple instructions or staying dry for a couple of hours.

Signs that your child might be ready include being able to recognize the feeling of a full bladder or bowel and communicate it, being comfortable sitting on a toilet or potty chair, and staying dry for longer periods, such as after a nap. It’s also helpful if your child can follow basic instructions and seems interested in using the toilet.

Most kids start showing readiness between 18 and 24 months, though some may take a little longer. It’s also common for boys to start later than girls.

When you think your child might be ready, keep the process relaxed. Start by introducing a potty chair and use simple words like ‘pee’ and ‘poop’ to describe what happens. 
It’s helpful to have your child sit on the potty regularly, like after meals or when they wake up with a dry diaper. You might also use incentives like special “big kid” underwear to motivate your child. But don’t force it - make it a fun and positive experience.

Remember to offer praise and encouragement for successful trips to the toilet, but avoid punishment for accidents. Starting potty training during a stressful time, like a family move or a new sibling arriving, can make it more challenging. Keep in mind that nighttime dryness often takes longer to achieve, and some children may wet the bed for several years.

If you have concerns or your child struggles with potty training even if he or she is over 4 years old, don’t hesitate to reach out to our pediatricians for advice. Remember, every child gets there in their own time, and with your support, they’ll soon be using the potty like a pro!