

Nosebleeds are pretty common in kids, especially those between 3 and 10 years old. The lining of the nose is filled with tiny blood vessels that can easily get irritated by dry air, frequent nose blowing, nose-picking, or even a cold. These irritations can lead to bleeding, which can be a bit scary. But most of the time, nosebleeds are not serious, and can be easily managed at home.

If your child gets a nosebleed, the most important thing is to stay calm. First, have them sit upright with their head slightly tilted forward. This helps keep blood from going down their throat, which can taste bad and cause them to gag or even vomit. With a tissue or clean cloth, gently pinch their nostrils together just below the bony ridge for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Resist the urge to check if the bleeding has stopped during this time; peeking too early can cause the clot to break and bleeding to start again. It’s best to avoid letting your child blow, pick, or rub their nose afterward, as this could start the bleeding again.

If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after 5 minutes, repeat the process for another 5 minutes. Most nosebleeds will stop with this method, but if it persists longer than 30 minutes, give us a call so we can provide further guidance.

For kids who get frequent nosebleeds, keeping their nasal passages moist can help prevent them. A dab of Vaseline or K-Y Jelly applied inside the nostrils at bedtime can work wonders. Alternatively, you can use a saline nasal spray like Pediamist several times a day.

Keeping your child’s nails trimmed short can also help prevent injury from nose-picking, and using a cool-mist humidifier in their room can maintain the right moisture level in the air.

Sometimes, nosebleeds might happen more often, or they could be linked to something else, like a recent injury or starting a new medication. If your child gets nosebleeds frequently - like more than once a week - or if the bleeding is heavy and doesn’t stop after trying the steps above twice, it’s a good idea to call us at Pediatric Health Specialists to make sure everything’s okay.

Remember, nosebleeds are usually harmless and easy to manage with the right care. But if you’re ever concerned, we’re here to help!