Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFM)


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFM) is a common and usually mild viral infection that often affects children between the ages of 6 months and 4. It’s caused by the Coxsackie A virus, and while it sounds scary, it’s typically not serious.

The first signs you might notice are a mild fever of usually around 100° to 102°F, sore throat, and your little one not feeling well. Soon after, you might notice small, painful sores developing in their mouth and a rash or tiny blisters showing up on their hands, feet, between their fingers and toes, and sometimes even their buttocks.

The good news is that the fever and general discomfort usually clear up within 3 or 4 days, while the mouth sores take about a week to heal. The rash, however, might stick around for up to 10 days.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease spreads easily, especially in places like daycares where kids are in close contact, so good hygiene is key. Frequent hand-washing is one of the best ways to prevent the virus from spreading.

After your child has been exposed, it usually takes 3 to 6 days for symptoms to appear. They’ll be contagious from a couple of days before the rash shows up until a few days after it fades. Your child can return to daycare or school once the fever is gone.

At home, offer your child soft foods that are easy to swallow, and plenty of clear fluids. Cold drinks, ice pops, and ice cream are usually soothing. Avoid giving them citrus fruits and salty or spicy foods, as these can irritate the mouth sores.

If needed, you can give them over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the fever or pain. For kids under 4, a mix of Benadryl and Maalox applied to the front of the mouth after meals can help with the sores. For older kids, the same mixture can be used as a mouthwash.

If the mouth sores or rash last longer than 10 days, or if your child is under six months old, has a weakened immune system, or is unable to drink enough fluids, give the office a call. Rest assured, though, that your child should return to their usual self soon.