

Fever is a common part of childhood, and while it can be worrying, it’s often just a sign that your child’s body is fighting off an infection. For kids, a fever typically means their body temperature is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, although temperatures can naturally vary throughout the day.

Most fevers are caused by infections, but they can also happen if your child is overdressed or after vaccinations.

If your child has a fever, they might feel warm, act differently, or seem a bit more tired than usual. You can confirm a fever with a digital thermometer - rectal readings are most accurate for younger kids, while oral readings work well for older ones. But make sure to let us know how you took the temperature - whether rectal, oral, or axillary (under the arm) - without adding or subtracting any degrees.

For babies under 2 months old, a fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher is more concerning and should be reported to us immediately. Avoid giving any medication to infants without our guidance. 

When it comes to managing a fever, you don’t always need to treat it if your child is playing, drinking fluids, and acting mostly like themselves. But if they seem uncomfortable and their temperature is 102°F (38.9°C) or higher, you can give them acetaminophen (like Tylenol) every 4 to 6 hours. If they’re over 6 months old, give them ibuprofen (like Motrin) every 6 hours, as needed.

However, don’t give them over 4 doses of either medication in 24 hours. Always follow the dosage instructions carefully, and if you’re unsure, refer to the tables below or feel free to reach out to us.

Acetaminophen/Tempra/Tylenol Dosage for Fever in Children

WeightAgeAcetaminophen (5 mL / 160 mg)Acetaminophe Chewables (160 mg)AcetaminophenDissolvable Packets (160 mg / powder pack)
12-17 lbs4-11 months2.5 mL--
18-23 lbs12-23 months3.75 mL--
24-35 lbs2-3 years5 mL1 tablet-
36-47 lbs4-5 years7.5 mL1 ½ tablets-
48-59 lbs6-8 years10 mL2 tablets2 packets
60-71 lbs9-10 years12.5 mL2 ½ tablets2 packets
72-95 lbs11 years15 mL 3 tablets3 packets
96 lbs & above12 years or older20 mL4 tablets-

Ibuprofen/Motrin Dosage for Fever in Children

WeightAgeIbuprofen Drops (1.25 mL / 50 mg)Liquid Ibuprofen (5 mL / 100 mg)Chewable Tablets (100 mg)
12-17 lbs6-11 months1.25 mL2.5 mL-
18-23 lbs12-23 months1.875 mL4 mL-
24-35 lbs2-3 years2.5 mL5 mL1 tablet
36-47 lbs4-5 years3.75 mL7.5 mL1 ½ tablets
48-59 lbs6-8 years5 mL10 mL2 tablets
60-71 lbs9-10 years-12.5 mL2 ½ tablets
72-95 lbs11 years-15 mL 3 tablets
96 lbs & above12 years or older-20 mL4 tablets

Avoid giving them aspirin, especially for children under 3 months old.

While your child has a fever, keep them cool and comfortable by dressing them in lightweight clothing and offering plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. A lukewarm sponge bath can help lower their temperature if it’s over 104°F (40°C), but avoid using cold water or rubbing alcohol, as these can be harmful. It’s okay if they don’t eat much - they’ll eat when they’re feeling better.

Please call us if your child’s fever reaches 105°F (40.6°C) even after giving medicine, if they seem extremely ill, or if a fever persists for more than 24 hours in children under 1 year or for more than 3 days in older kids.

If your child has a seizure, shows signs of dehydration, or has other severe symptoms, seek emergency care right away.

Remember, while fevers are common, you’re never alone in managing them. We're here to help guide you through it every step of the way.