Baby Acne


Baby acne, or newborn acne, is a common and completely harmless skin condition that many newborns experience. It usually shows up as tiny red or purple bumps on your baby’s cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead, and sometimes on their chest or back. These bumps might resemble small pimples, and you may notice them more when your baby cries.

Baby acne typically appears around 2 weeks of age, but can show up at birth or within the first 2 months. While it may look a bit concerning, it’s usually nothing to worry about.

Unlike adult acne, baby acne doesn’t cause blackheads, and it doesn’t need any special treatment. It’s believed to be caused by hormones your baby received from you during pregnancy or from breastfeeding. These hormones may trigger the baby’s sebaceous glands to produce more oil, clogging their pores and leading to these little breakouts.

Most of the time, baby acne will clear up on its own within a few days to a couple of weeks, leaving your baby’s skin smooth and blemish-free. While it can be tempting, try not to use any lotions, oils, or over-the-counter acne treatments on your baby’s delicate skin, as these can make things worse.

To help the acne clear up, you can gently wash your baby’s skin once a day with plain soap and warm water, but avoid scrubbing. Pat their skin dry with a soft towel, and be sure to clean up any drool, milk, or spit-up from their skin quickly. It’s important not to squeeze or pop the pimples, as this can irritate the skin.

If the acne doesn’t improve after a few weeks, or if you notice other symptoms like blisters, peeling skin, or a fever, it’s a good idea to check in with our pediatric health specialists. They can offer advice and, if necessary, suggest a mild treatment to help clear up the acne more quickly. You can also reach out to us for an appointment.